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German Language: Complete Guide

Updated: 14. Feb, 2023

It might be challenging to comprehend German grammar and terminology. However, learning a language requires commitment and time. The same holds for German. Therefore, if you are serious about learning German quickly, you may succeed even with independent study.

In this post, we will thoroughly examine the guide to becoming fluent German language speakers.

Overview of German

German is among the most widely spoken languages in Europe. About 140 million people in Europe and the rest of the globe speak German. In the European Union, German is tied with French as the second-most-learned language.

German is categorized as a West Germanic language along with English and Dutch. Even though they are quite different, certain parallels might be a jumping-off point for your German learning process.


The national tongue of Germany is German. However, people in adjacent central European nations, including Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, South Tyrol, Liechtenstein, and others, speak it.

There are 16 regional dialect groups in the German language, and each has its distinctive method of pronouncing individual words or even whole phrases. If two Germans are from different places, they may find communication difficult.

German is officially spoken and written in High German, also known as Hochdeutsch, the standardized language form. This is what German students will be taught. It is still the official language dialect taught in schools in nations that still speak distinct dialects of the language. The emergence of High German as the dominant language in the area was influenced by Martin Luther’s scripture translations from the sixteenth century.


Although there are some noticeable variations between the German and English alphabets, learning the German alphabet is not too difficult if you have previously written or read using the Roman alphabet.

The German alphabet is a component of the Germanic language, which dates back to the early seventh century. The English alphabet’s twenty-six letters are present in German, along with the additional letters ä, ö, ü, and ß. Except for the ß, every other German letter has an uppercase and lowercase variant. Never will a word begin with the letter ß.

The sole German letter that isn’t found in the Latin/Roman alphabet is the ß, often known as the “sharp S,” “eszett,” or “scharfes S.” This letter is spoken (like the “s” in “see”). In no other language is the ß utilized.

German Pronunciation

You might have heard that one of the most challenging aspects of learning German is understanding German pronunciation. Some German letters have completely distinct pronunciations from their English equivalents. For instance, German W and German V sound similar to English V and F, respectively. When the S is put at a word’s start and followed by a vowel, it usually sounds like the Z in English. The letters g, ch, and r are often spoken in the throat. Some of these German characters, such as “ü,” have no equivalent in English for how they are pronounced.

While it’s true that certain German words include sounds that aren’t present in English, such as the back-of-the-throat “r” sound in rot (“red”) and the hissing “ch” sound in terms like Mädchen (“girl”), you’ll find that these sounds aren’t too complex once you learn and practice how to say them.

And if you speak English, you are aware of how difficult it is to determine how to pronounce many terms just by looking at their spelling (consider how difficult it would be for a non-English speaker to say words like “cough,” “colonel,” and “knight”). The advantage of German spelling is that, for the most part, each alphabetic letter or group of letters corresponds to a single sound, so you can read a word and know how to pronounce it on the first attempt. In that regard, learning German pronunciation is simpler than learning English. 

Sentence Structure and Syntax

Learning German sentence structure might be one of the most challenging parts for English speakers. One of the key aspects of acquiring the German language is learning how to place words in relation to one another. Fairly strict rules govern verb tenses and placement in German sentences. The word order in German is quite similar to that of English in basic phrases with a subject, verb, and direct object.

However, German sentence construction follows a somewhat different set of principles when you incorporate more sophisticated grammar, such as when you use so-called modal verbs like “can,” “will,” “must,” and “should.” The main verb in German is moved to the end of the sentence.

Grammar in German

The syntax of German sentences resembles a disjointed form of English grammar. Additionally, German grammatical rules are quite rational and can largely be learned through rote study and speaking practice.

As a result, German grammar is easier than you would think.

1. Cases

German Sentence structure has four distinct cases. It includes:

  • Nominative case: This case recognizes the subject. The subject is who or what is doing the action.
  • Accusative case: This case recognizes the direct object. The object is whom or what the subject “verbs.”
  • Genitive case: This case shows that this noun belongs to someone or something.
  • Dative case: This case identifies the indirect object. The indirect object is the receiver of the object or an action.

2. Verbs Conjugations

Learning German verbs is not very difficult. German verbs can only be expressed in their “infinitive” form, consisting of a verb stem and the suffix ‘-en’. For instance, singen and schwimmen both mean “to swim.” You must remove the -en ending from verbs when giving them a subject and “conjugate” the verb by adding a new ending based on the subject and verb tense. Therefore, ich singe and er singt both imply “he sings.” You must memorize one pattern for each verb tense for all normal verbs! Some significant irregular verbs have ends that deviate from the norm and need distinct learning. These include the verbs “to be” and “have,” such as haben. You’ll discover they come naturally to you once you study and use their conjugations.

3. German Nouns Have Genders

Gendered languages seem to have been created historically to clarify communication when identifying between nouns uttered in close proximity. It is a means of categorizing nouns to clarify which is being referred to.

A noun’s gender identity must come before it when used in a sentence otherwise you won’t be using it appropriately. Initially, this may be difficult if you only speak non-gendered languages like English. Still, as long as you make it a practice of memorizing the gender of every word you remember, it will become easier.

You can pick between the neuter, feminine, or masculine case in German.

  • Masculine nouns often have the following endings: -er, -el, -ling, -ich, -ig, -ner, -ismus,  -or, -us, -eich, -ant
  • Feminine nouns often have the following endings -e, -ie, -heit, -ei, -in, -ik, -keit, -schaft, -ung, -tät, -ur, -tion
  • Neutral nouns often have the following endings: -chen, -o, -lein, -en, -il, -ma, -tel, -ment, -nis, -tum, -um

4. Plural

It takes more effort to make German nouns plural than to make English nouns plural by simply adding a -s. There are many methods to make plurals in German.

When a word is made plural, some nouns undergo no modifications, while others add a -er and an umlaut to the preceding vowel sound. Some words add a -n, a -s, or a -e to the end of a single noun to make it plural. The one constant is that all German plural nouns, regardless of gender, are denoted in the nominative case with the word die. As a result, das Buch becomes die Bücher (“the books”), die Gabel becomes die Gabeln (“the forks”), and der Tisch becomes die Tische (“the tables”).

  • Nouns ending in -eur, -ich, -ier, -ig, -ling, and -ör should be followed by a -e. Numerous single-syllable feminine nouns also have a -e and an umlaut.
  • To most single-syllable neuter nouns, add -er.
  • Add an -n or -en ending to masculine words ending in -e, -ent, and, -ant, -ist, -or. Feminine words ending in -e, -in, -ion, -ik, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -tät, and -ung also often take this ending.
  • Add an -s ending to words finishing with -a, -i, -o, -u, and -y.

Some German nouns have equivalent single and plural forms to their English counterparts. Here, the intended form is solely indicated by the word’s article.  

5. Pronoun

German has two pronouns for the English equivalent of the singular pronoun,  “you.” They are “Du” and “Sie”. “Du” is used for those with whom you have a deeper connection or majorly informal settings. On the other hand, “Sie” is used to express respect to strangers or in formal settings. With new German individuals you meet, particularly those who are older than you, it’s crucial to utilize the polite term “Sie” to show politeness.


Your first concentration should be on the German digits 1 through 10. It is fairly simple to count in German from 1 to 20. Each of the numerals from 1 to 12 is represented by a single word, such as three, four, and five, meaning “three,” “four,” and “five,” respectively. The names for the ages 13 through 19 also adhere to the English tradition of inserting the number one before the word zehn (which is pronounced “ten” like the English “teen”), dreizehn, vierzehn and fünfzehn for “thirteen,” “fourteen,” and “fifteen.”

After this, counting in German involves an inversion; you pronounce the ones value first, followed by und (“and”), and then the tens value, such as zwanzig for “twenty,” dreißig for “thirty,” vierzig for “forty,” and so on. German speakers, therefore, say “one-and-twenty,” or einundzwanzig, rather than “twenty-one.” The equivalent of “fifty-seven” is “seven-and-fifty,” or siebenundfünfzig. German counting isn’t that difficult once you get the hang of it! 

Different Ways to Learn German Fast

These are some of the different ways to learn German:

1. Online Courses And Apps For Learning German

You can discover plenty of German material online and on mobile devices. Several resources available, ranging from online forums and courses to German grammar wikis, could be helpful. You can practice reading, writing, and listening while learning grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, you can improve your speaking skills by saying things out loud. Some of it is better than others regarding how it is structured and how fully it explains new topics.

2. Learning German In The Classroom

German is one of the most studied languages in schools and colleges worldwide. Classroom instruction is the most common alternative for elementary school or college students. It enables more frequent, thorough study with instructors who can correct errors as they occur and engagingly impart knowledge since they are fluent in the language. Any language learner can benefit by talking to and practicing with other students.

3. Watch German movies and TV shows

Listening is the first step in learning how to speak German. It’s a helpful way to acquire new terminology that also fits the situation.

Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime can discover a ton of high-quality entertainment in all genres and for all levels of educational aptitude. Movies like Bibi Blocksberg and Lola Rennt are fantastic for training your ear in the fundamentals of German if you’re beginning to learn the language. At the same time, shows like Babylon Berlin and Deutschland 83 are wonderful for learning about German history while you practice the language.

These are appropriate for all skill levels. However, those just starting could want to watch some kids’ programming for more basic terminology. Watch movies with the subtitles on as a novice.

4. Listen to podcasts

Learning a language while on the move is a snap with the help of German podcasts like GermanPod101 and CoffeeBreak. German-speaking podcasts are another free resource for advanced learners, covering a wide range of themes. You can also find podcasts that will guide you through learning the language.

German books are also helpful. Intermediate students may use beginner and even advanced German textbooks to understand the fundamentals. A Duden grammar book and a Langenscheidt lexicon are among the most beneficial publications. You may also opt to read fiction and nonfiction books published in German, but you should choose novels that are appropriate for your level of proficiency. Usually, you’ll have to pay for these choices.

5. Make a German-speaking friend

Learning German will go much quicker if you have a practice partner. Learners now have the chance to connect with native speakers on a variety of online channels. Test it out! You may also locate a group of native German speakers in your city and begin attending their speaking events. 

6. Read German books

If you like reading, you can learn German by reading a wide variety of German-language literature. There are numerous works in German that are suitable for learners at different levels. Sharpening your reading skills and understanding how the language is used in a wide variety of contexts are two benefits of using books to learn a language. These contexts can range from historical fiction to fairy tales to personal essays to collections of short stories to nonfiction. 

Reading German-language literature enables you to go at your own pace. If necessary, you may pause to use a dictionary. You can increase your vocabulary by noting down new words and phrases in a language diary. Reading the book aloud also gives you the opportunity to develop your speaking and pronunciation skills.

7. Make your devices multilingual

By switching your device’s interface language to German, you can immerse yourself in the language. You may use this excellent language learning trick to gradually acquire new terms with time.


It is quite satisfying to learn a language. Yes, there may be difficulties and frustrations, but if you persist, you will finally be able to see the benefits. No other emotion compares to it.

You should now feel better prepared to study German independently with the tips and guide in this article. It should be considerably simpler now that you know all of these German grammar learning hints!

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