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Traveling to Italy? Easy Language Guide to Get You Around

Updated: 02. Nov, 2022

When planning a short or long trip to Italy, one of the most challenging decisions to make is how to get around. Italy is not as large as some other countries like Australia or Canada, but learning some basic Italian phrases will make it easier to navigate the country.

It is always a good idea to pick up a few words, phrases, and sentences. This detailed guide takes you through some easy language guides to help you get around Italy. Moreover, language is a big part of Italian culture. Hence, you need to learn some key phrases to have the best experience during your stay. 

Learning these words and phrases is not simply out of respect; native speakers appreciate it when you speak to them. In addition, more experiences open up what probably wouldn’t be possible if you spoke your native language. So, this article contains basic Italian words and phrases that you can learn and will help you get around while in Italy.

Easy language guide to getting you around

When planning your trip to Italy, some common words and phrases will prove that you have made efforts to learn the local language. Learning these valuable and basic Italian words will help you to communicate with different people during your trip or time in Italy.

So, let’s get started with basic Italian words and phrases. 


HelloCiao (for friends) Sálv (being professional)
Good MorningBun’jorno
Good eveningBona’sera
Good nightBona-notte
Good byeChao (friends) arrevi’derechi (professional)
Thank youGrad’ziye
FriendAmeeco (Male) & Ameeca (Female)
You’re welcomePrego
BeautifulBello (Male) & Bella (Female)
GoodBuonu (male) & Buona (Female)
BadNon male
How muchQuanto

Some Italian phrases with greetings

One of the most interesting things to love about Italy is the cultural differences. In Italy, saying “good day” is not just a throwaway line. You must learn to greet people anytime and wherever you go. For example, when visiting a supermarket, restaurant, hotel, or museum, you are expected to greet whoever you meet.

So, here are some of the common greetings in English and their translations to help you get it right. First, however, you must learn to be formal with people you don’t know, especially elders.

Nice to meet youPiacere di conoscerti
How are youCome stai?
Have a nice dayBuona giornata
Have a good weekendBuon fine settimana
This is an emergencyQuesta è un’emergenza.
See you laterA piu’ tardi
Best wishesI miei migliori auguri
Excuse meMi scusi
I am sorryMi dispiace
Help meAiutami
Safe travelsBuon viaggio
I am boredMi annoio
No thank youNo grazie
God bless youDio ti benedica
Get well soonGuarisci presto!
Enjoy your mealBuon appetite
I am tiredSono stanco
I speak EnglishParlo inglese.
Do you speak English?Parli inglese.
What is your nameCome ti chiami?
Where are you fromDi dove sei?
What are you doingChe stai facendo?
How old are youQuanti anni hai?
Who are youChi sei?
How can I help youCome posso aiutarti?
Where is the toiletDov’è il bagno?
How are you doingCome va?
Where are youDove sei?
How was your dayCom’è andata oggi?
Where are you goingDove stai andando?
Are you okay?Stai bene?
Where do you liveDove abiti?
Are you hungryHai fame?
When is your birthdayQuand’è il tuo compleanno?
I agreeSono d’accordo
I understandCapisco
I am hungryHo fame
I am goodSto bene
I hopeSpero
Same to youAnche a te
I don’t knowNon lo so
I don’t understandNon capisco
I don’t careNon mi interessa
I go to workVado al lavoro

Some social talks that can come in handy

Learning to use the right social words and phrases while conversing with Italian native speakers will help you make new friends and have the best experience.

Happy birthdayBuon compleanno!!
Happy anniversaryBuon anniversario!!
Happy new yearFelice anno nuovo!
Belated happy birthdayBuon compleanno in ritardo!
Happy FridayBuon venerdì

Relations in Italian that can be used

If you want to introduce your family or any relations, you can pick up any of these words.


Some romance phrases that may come in handy

Well, it’s no news that Italy is a place of love. There are several romantic places to visit, and here are some romantic phrases to use when you wish to capture the heart of your partner or compliment people.

I love youTi amo
I love you tooTi voglio bene anch’io
You are beautifulSei bellissima
I want youTi voglio
Good morning, beautifulBuongiorno, bellissima.
Very prettyMolto carina
I will miss youMi mancherai
I miss youMi manchi
I like youMi Piaci
We love youTi amiamo
I love you moreTi amo di più
Will you marry me?Vuoi sposarmi?
You are very beautifulSei davvero bellissima

Some instructions that may come in handy

Here are some words to help give the right instruction and enjoy the best services in Italy.

Good jobOttimo lavoro
Be quietStai zitto
Hurry upSbrigati
Wake upSvegliati
Follow meSeguimi
Go to bedVai a letto
Play-wellGioca bene
Play wellRiscontro positive
Go awayVai via
Sit downSiediti
Leave me aloneLasciami in pace
Go to sleepAndare a letto

Some shopping statements that can come in handy

Trips to Italy are incomplete without shopping. So, let’s get you prepared with these basic shopping phrases to help you have the best of your time shopping.

How much does it costQuanto costa?
Is it free??È gratis?
Is there an ATM?Dove trovo un bancomat??
That’s expensiveÈ davvero caro!
I’d like to change moneyVorrei cambiare del denaro.

Some technological phrases that will come in handy

If you want to get into a deeper conversation or you are in Italy for a business meeting, here are some technological words to help convey the right message.

I need a printerMi serve una stampante.
I need to check my e-mailDevo controllare le mie e-mail
Can you change it to English settingsPuoi cambiarlo con l’impostazione inglese?
What’s the Wi-Fi passwordQuWhat’sla password del Wi-Fi?
I need a projectorMi serve un proiettore?.
Could you take a photoPuò fare una foto?
Is there? WI-FI?È disponibile il Wi-Fi?
The WI-FI isn’t workingIl Wi-Fi non funziona.
What’s your phone number?QuaWhat’sl suo numero di telefono?
I need to charge my laptopDevo caricare il mio portatile
I need to charge my PhoneDevo caricare il mio telefono.
I need an adapterMi serve un adattatore.
I lost my laptopHo perso il mio portatile.

Some emergency Phrases that will come in handy

Is there a nickname?Ha un soprannome?
Is someone missing?Manca qualcuno?
Can you describe the person?Può descrivere la persona?
What’s the person’s name?Qual è il nome della persona?
Can you show me a recent picture?Può mostrarmi una foto recente?
I’m sickSono ammalato.
I need to go to a pharmacyDevo andare in farmacia.
I have a feverHo la febbre.
I have asthmaSoffro d’asma.
I need a doctorHo bisogno di un dottore.
I need to go to the hospitalDevo andare all’ospedale.

Some lodging phrases that will come in handy

Undoubtedly, an Italian vacation includes a plan to lodge in hotels. So, if you wish to enjoy the comfort of the beautiful hotels, here are basic Italian phrases to get you started.

I will like to make a reservationVorrei fare una prenotazione.
How much is the roomQuanto costa la camera?
I would like a roomVorrei una camera.
Is there room serviceC’è il servizio in camera?
My room  needs to be cleanedLa mia camera ha bisogno di essere pulita.
Do you have a vacancy?Avete una camera libera?
Is? breakfast included?La colazione è inclusa?
Is it air-conditionedC’è l’aria condizionata?
No VacancyNessuna camera libera
I would like to pay my billVorrei pagare il conto.

Some directional phrases

If you get lost in Italy and need help finding your way, here are some words to help you.

RightA destra
LeftA sinistra
Straight aheadSempre diritto
DownhillIn discesa
UphillIn salita
Traffic lightSemaforo
Stop signSegnale di stop
NorthA nord
SouthA sud
WestA ovest
EastA est


There are several resources and language learning apps that you can use to learn Italian. You can get any of these resources or apps to help you enjoy your time in Italy. Opt for language learning apps like Duolingo, Busuu, Babbel, and others. These apps have good learning approaches and are the best method to help you learn basic Italian words in no time.

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